terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2012

Blog Post #3- Time Management

Many strategies have been discussed throughout the class, but the strategy that I have most been using is writing down my work in the "reminders" app in the iPad. The field that I can most improve in is how to complete my work in the due time, which would mean to end one of the major causes for teens not to finish their work, procrastination. Since 11:30 I have been on the cell phone with this blank blog post page opened in front of me, and only started working now, 23:50. If I could work on this procrastination issue, my work would be much easier to be done in time.
I have basically not achieved my goals yet, since they are long term. I wish to have at maximum only 2 late assignments this quarter, when in the last I have had plenty. If I can achieve this goal, I will increase it to only one next year (second semester) and be able to say I have accomplished my time management goals. Today, another thing that affected my time management for this blog post was the server shortage of Edmodo. I should also work on the fact that there might be things that I can’t predict happening around me that would greatly decrease my grade.